Marienville club sets annual fishing derby

The Marienville Rod and Gun Club is sponsoring its 41st annual fishing derby for youngsters on Sunday, June 5.

The event is scheduled from 1 to 3 p.m. at the Tom’s Run kids pond at Cook Forest State Park.

The fishing derby is open to youngsters ages 4 to 12. Registration begins at 11 a.m. that day, and Rod and Gun Club members will stock between 200 and 400 fish.

Participants will all receive items such as rod and reel sets, creels, nets and other equipment. Food and soft drinks will also be provided.

The Rod and Gun Club stocks nine streams in Forest County every year with upwards of 25,000 fish.

Club member Gary Moore is coordinator for the fishing derby. Ray Gerst Jr. is the club president, and Steve Vanderink is the vice president.

The Rod and Gun Club received a plaque last year to commemorate the club’s 50th year as a cooperative with the Pennsylvania Fish and Boat Commission.