Foxburg council discusses catch basin

The Foxburg Borough Council is still on the fence concerning what it should do about the catch basin along Main Street in the borough.

The borough began a project in 2019 through a grant from CDBG to rehabilitate the catch basin but over the course of time, with other projects being undertaken by local businesses, the council is thinking it might want to go another way.

Borough Secretary Karen Best gave the council options on what it could do. She said the council could use the grant money and finish the project as it was planned, return the grant money and have it reallocated and reapply for a new grant in the coming year or have Fred Hays of Eck’s Dirt Work use his pipe inspection camera in the area of the catch basin to see if the problem would have a simple fix.

Best said it was probably a better idea to have Hays run his camera in the project area before they commit to any other course of action.

“(Using the camera) would give us some idea where the pipes are going to,” Best said. “There may already be a catch basin there and we may only need to uncover the grate that has been paved over.”

Borough President Ben Allison asked if the 2019 project grant was not used by the end of 2023 if it would expire. Best told him that was the case and the money from the grant would be reallocated.

“Is (there enough) left in the grant to cover (the project)?” Council Vice-President Becca Gates asked.

“That’s what we don’t know because we are working with estimates from four years ago,” Best said.

Allison asked, “If we hire Fred Hays, would the grant cover his diagnostic work?”

Best responded, “I don’t think so because the grant was for two catch basins.”

One major hang-up for the project moving forward is how it will be coordinated with the businesses along Main Street in the borough.

Best said representatives from the North West Commission, PennDOT, Clarion County Planning and grant writers were excited regarding a larger project moving forward in the area.

“I think they want us to get together with all of the businesses (on Main Street) and see what they are planning,” Council member Judy Fleming said.

“It only makes sense,” Best responded. “If (the businesses) are repaving their driveways then do we sit here with blinders on and say, ‘oh, we didn’t know that’?”

Best continued, “I don’t know what to do. (The NorthWest Commission, PennDOT, etc) want to go big.”

Gates responded, “So much has changed since 2019 and with all of the stuff going on (on Main Street) it almost makes sense to give the money back and wait. I also don’t think it would be a bad idea to have (Hays) take a look (with his camera).”

Best said the council could have Hays look at the area of the catch basin now and it could look into doing a larger project coordinated with the town’s businesses at a later date.

The council approved to have Hays use his camera on the area and if he was able to fix the issue under an undisclosed amount to have him move forward with a repair project.

The council also discussed approaching the Main Street business owners about attending the council’s June meeting.

New council member

The council unanimously voted to appoint Sarah Regrut to fill the vacant council seat. Regrut was not sworn in as a council member because Foxburg Mayor Stephen Buzard was not in attendance at the meeting. Best told Regrut she would have to go to the Clarion County Election office, fill out a proof of residency and be sworn in then

Regrut is filling the seat Denise Shekell vacated in January.

In other business, the council;

– Was informed by Best that the $19,000 the borough received in American Rescue Plan funds had been used on the fire hydrants and repaving project on North Palmer Avenue.

– Best informed the council a dumpster would be placed in the borough from May 24 to May 31 for clean-up days.