Decision notice signed for project in Allegheny National Forest

From staff reports

MARIENVILLE – The Allegheny National Forest’s Marienville district ranger has signed a decision notice for the Salmon East project.

The 13,038-acre project in Forest County will accomplish several goals, including:

– Harvesting about 2,100 acres of timber.

– Decommissioning about four miles of system and non-system roads.

– Creating large temporary forest openings, with some openings exceeding 40 acres. The openings consist of young, newly regenerated forests comprised of tree seedlings, and will be located in areas that have been hardest hit by beech bark disease and other forest health stressors.

The large openings initially dominated by tree seedlings will mature into forested areas over time. Creating these young forests now will help achieve long-term desired vegetation conditions by providing a diverse and healthy forest ecosystem that is resilient to disturbances and stressors.

– Placing large woody debris in streams to provide cover and rearing areas for native brook trout and associated coldwater species.

– Treating up to 222 acres for non-native invasive plant species over the course of several years.

“This is an important project because it will provide a diverse wildlife habitat for forage and cover; nesting sites, breeding areas and young-rearing habitat and quality hunting and fishing experiences,” district ranger Rob Fallon said. “It will also create early structural habitat that has been declining on the Allegheny National Forest.”

Project information and maps are available at

For more information, people may contact Kevin Treese, Marienville planning team leader, at (814) 927-5759 or