Clarion County jail’s COVID-19 cases are up

The Clarion County Jail is reporting an August spike in COVID-19 cases.

Warden Jeff Hornberger informed the county’s jail inspection board on Friday that there were 12 COVID-19 tests administered, eight of which were positive.

Hornberger said the virus appeared to be “mild” compared to earlier cases, the proper quarantine measures were taken and that there are currently no cases in the jail.

The jail board also discussed several maintenance issues.

Hornberger told the board an 8-year-old steamer in the kitchen continues to be a problem, and that replacing it would cost $10,849 for a single-stack unit and $25,989 for a double-stack.

Clarion County Commissioner Ted Tharan suggested Hornberger check the state cooperative purchasing system, Co-Stars, for a lower price.

Hornberger also reported on the repairs for the Penn Power Systems generator at a cost of $1,425. The repair work would include replacing belts and hoses on the unit.

The board also discussed replacement of the 17-year-old roof. “It is at the end of its life cycle,” Tharan said. “I would like to see us do the roof next summer.”

Hornberger reported the jail’s budget was at 65% for the year.


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