$1.5 million state grant will help fund Knox water line project

From staff reports

More than $1.5 million in state funding will help fund a water line replacement project in Knox Borough.

The project will replace 5,100 feet of existing 4-inch cast iron water lines with an 8-inch polyvinyl chloride line to improve service to 76 connections along East Penn Avenue. Also replaced will be nine fire hydrants and 23 main water valves.

Additionally, 15 service lines made of old material between the curb stop and a residence or business will be replaced to improve health and water quality.

State Rep. Donna Oberlander said the $1.577 million grant was approved by the Pennsylvania Infrastructure Investment Authority.

Construction is expected to begin in a couple of weeks, Oberlander said. The work should take less than a month.

“The replacing the existing water line in Knox will help add to the overall health and safety of water customers, along with improving hydrant capabilities should they be needed in town,” Oberlander said. “I am pleased PennVEST saw the need to extend grant funding to the borough and its residents.”

Other projects receive funding

Work on two other projects in Clarion County will proceed after receiving a combined total of $1.25 million in state grant funding.

The first grant, totaling $750,000, will be used to complete construction of Fiberboard Avenue in Paint Township. Specifically, the project will extend the road 0.8 miles to connect to Route 66 and help facilitate the expansion of Clarion Industries’ manufacturing facility.

This will help to address safety issues, especially in the winter, by allowing traffic to and from the manufacturer to have direct access to Route 66, and then to Interstate 80.

The second grant, to Z Train Corp of Clarion, will be used to plug several gas wells, including those in Clarion, Paint and Monroe townships.

This will alleviate mitigation of natural gas in areas with homes, schools, churches and public water supplies. That grant is in the amount of $500,000.

The projects were approved by the Commonwealth Financing Authority at its meeting Wednesday in Harrisburg.