Seneca Rocks Birdathon set

Seneca Rocks Audubon will once again participate in the annual Birdathon from May 11 to 18.

Participants, working alone or in teams, obtain pledges from sponsors, which can be businesses as well as individuals. The event is open to both novice birders and experts.

The birders record the number of species they identify by sight and/or song in a self-selected, 24-hour period within the dates chosen by Seneca Rocks Audubon.

Trees, shrubs, grasslands, water habitats, backyards and feeders all are scrutinized.

Afterward, birders share their species list with their sponsors, along with conversation about the birds and habitats.

Money collected in this bird-watching competition are used for conservation and various educational programs in the surrounding area.

For more information, contact a member of the Seneca Rocks Audubon or send an email to