Open house plants knowledge about agriculture

The Clarion Conservation District hosted an open house at its office in Clarion earlier this week to celebrate National Agricultural Week.

“We wanted to inform the community about the important contributions that farmers make to our community,” said Hannah Bequeath, Clarion County Conservation District education and outreach coordinator. “This event allows the farmers to talk to the community and explain to them what it takes to have a successful farm.”

Bequeath said agriculture is important because it is “right here.” She said buying local products can be cheaper because there is no transportation cost for the products.

“There are a lot more farms in Clarion County than people are aware of,” she said. “When you go on a drive you will see just how much agriculture there is in Clarion County.

“We have a couple of different farms represented” at the open house. “I wanted it to be widespread so we have the Pennsylvania Mushroom Co. (of Clarion) here as well as Steve’s Bees, from Leeper, and Yeaney’s Maple Syrup, from Marienville. We hope this will help get the word out about our local products.”

Bequeath said with so many food recalls, it’s good to know the local community can trust local products, and that many of those local products will be available later this year at farmers markets throughout the area.

In addition to the farming community, there were representatives from 4-H, the Department of Conservation and Natural Resources, the National Resource Conservation Service, and the Conservation District.

“It is all about supporting agriculture and educating people,” she said.