Local VFDs and EMS earn state grants

From staff reports

Thirteen volunteer fire departments and two ambulance services in Clarion County will share grant funding through the state’s annual Fire and Company/Emergency Medical Services Grant Program, Rep. Donna Oberlander (R-63) announced last week.

The grants were announced by the Office of State Fire Commissioner within the Pennsylvania Emergency Management Agency.

Receiving $15,000 each, were the volunteer fire departments in Callensburg, Clarion, East Brady, Farmington Township, Hawthorn, Knox, New Bethlehem, Rimersburg, Shippenville/Elk Township, Sligo, and Strattanville.

Also earning grants were Knox Area Ambulance Service: $7,084; Limestone Township Volunteer Fire Co.: $14,580; Southern Clarion County Ambulance Service: $8,325; and the St. Petersburg Volunteer Fire Co.: $12,104.

The Marienville Volunteer Fire Department in Forest County also earned a $15,000 grant.

All grants are funded by slot machine proceeds and not tax money.

“The pandemic put an even greater strain on our fire and EMS companies, not just because of the additional measures they’ve taken to ensure greater health and safety but also to care for those within our communities,” Oberlander said. “On top of the services they’ve provided, their ability to raise funds was severely hampered within some companies having to go months without their typical fundraisers. That’s why I am glad to see our local volunteers applying for these grants because I know they will be put to good use.”

The funding can be used to construct or renovate a fire or ambulance company facility, purchase or repair equipment, conduct training exercises, or reduce existing debt.