Knox awards $2.8 million in water line contracts

Knox Borough Council Dec. 6 awarded two contracts totaling $2,821,087 to Kukurin Contracting of Export for two water line replacement projects.

The first contract involves work along East Penn Avenue with added work along Ohio Street.

That contract totals $1,222,222. The first project’s cost is covered by grant funding from the Pennsylvania Infrastructure Investment Authority.

The EADS Group, project engineers, sought bids for the main work along East Penn with Ohio Street and Beatty Avenue as possible add-ons.

EADS engineer Marty English said the PennVEST grant for the project would cover the Ohio Street work but not Beatty Avenue.

“If we run into any lead service lines along (East Penn or Ohio) we have to replace those,” explained English. “And, we’ll find a few. Keeping that in mind we didn’t think the funding would cover (Beatty).”

The second project includes South Main and Petrolia streets and totals $1,598,865. The cost of that project is covered by the PennVEST low-interest loan and grant.

The projects will affect 106 service connections, seven hydrants and 34 main line water valves.

English said The EADS Group is familiar with Kukurin Contracting, having worked with the company in Punxsutawney and St. Petersburg.

“They did very well,” said English. “We didn’t hear any complaints.”

Getting started

With PennVEST funding involved, there is a lot of legal and paperwork that needs to be completed before the project actually gets started.

English encouraged the borough to seek a “letter of no prejudice” from PennVEST that will allow the contractor to get started with the process of securing the needed materials.

“PennVEST really wants to see this project completed in 2022,” said English. “But with the supply chain issues we’re seeing now, the contractor needs more lead time to get the materials.”

English said the letter of no prejudice would allow Kukurin Contracting is get the materials ordered and on the way to Knox before all of the paperwork for the financing is actually completed.

“It might help us actually get started a little earlier,” said English.

With paperwork that needs to be completed and supplies that need to be delivered, a date for construction to begin was not immediately available.

Successful Light Up Night

Knox Borough Police Chief Nicole Bauer through a written statement told council the recent “Light Up Night” celebration went very well with a large number of volunteers, donors and visitors.

Bauer thanked local businesses The Pizza Shop, Bekah’s Boutique, Tike Kahle, Swartfager Farms, Knox Bakery, and Eli Busch, Shane Tharan and Henry Farms.

Bauer also thanked Knox Volunteer Fire Department, Knox Ambulance Service, borough maintenance personnel and Keystone SMILES.

Also thanked for their appearances were Santa Claus, Mrs. Claus and The Grinch.

In other business, Knox Borough Council:

– Formally adopted the borough’s $1,091,179 general fund budget for 2022 and leaving taxes at their current levels.

Council member Tom Goble said the borough’s 2021 budget is on target with this year’s earned income tax and local services tax generating revenues higher than anticipated.

– Approved the purchase of loading forks for the borough tractor at a cost of $1,000 from Terry W. Kahle.

– Approved the purchase of a supply of police uniform patches at a cost of $293.

– Approved the purchase of an LCD display kit for the water and sewerage department at a cost of $211.

– Approved the purchase of 8,800 blank water and sewerage bills at a cost of $682.