Career Center exceeds ‘Coins for a Cure’ goal

From staff reports

The Clarion County Career Center completed Cancer Awareness month and the annual “Coins for a Cure” campaign in October.

All funds donated are given to the “Clarion Sunshine Project” at Butler Health System’s Cancer Care at Clarion Hospital to help patients who are going through cancer treatments. This year marks the Career Center’s 11th year of collecting “Coins for a Cure” donations.

Traci Wildeson, director of CCCC, challenged the students to reach a goal of $3,600 this year. They reached and surpassed that amount with an amazing total of $4,982.45, reaching an eleven-year total of $46,785.31 with all the funds being donated to the Cancer Center’s “Clarion Sunshine Project.”

The school went back to the original campaign format of placing coin containers in all the classrooms to allow students to contribute their loose change to the cause. Students were encouraged to donate “because it is the right thing to do” to help others in their community.

“Coins for a Cure” T-shirts were available for students and staff to purchase, with the profit being donated as well. Also included in the total was a donation from Ron Flick, a generous member of the local community, who annually brings in his own coin containers to contribute to this worthy cause.

Due to the students passing the goal amount, Wildeson agreed to ‘Kiss-a-Pig’ at student assemblies, which were held on Nov. 9. Tracy Myers, nurse manager at the Cancer Center attended the assemblies and shared with the students how important these funds are to assist patients with some of their financial burdens.

It allows the patients to concentrate on their treatments and getting better, instead of worrying about how they will cover the extra costs of being off work, gas money, etc.

The teamwork displayed during this “Coins for a Cure” campaign is obvious by the great donation amount the students and staff were able to achieve during cancer awareness month.


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