Mushroom foraging program scheduled

From staff reports

Seneca Rocks Audubon Society will hold a free nature program — “A Beginner’s Guide to Mushroom Foraging” — at 6:30 p.m. Wednesday at the Clarion Free Library.

The presenter is Esperanzo Wilcox, who has extensive experience foraging for mushrooms and earned a Wild Mushroom Certification through his experience and study.

Wilcox also is the founder of PA Mushroom Company, a mushroom cultivation business based in Clarion. He also is a regular vendor at the Clarion Farmers’ Market.

Wilcox describes the program as an essential building block for beginners and experienced foragers alike. He’ll share information about when, where and how to forage for wild mushrooms. Key highlights of the program will include notable literature, preparation and foraging tools, tree identification, and collection and preservation techniques.

Seneca Rocks Audubon is a local chapter of the National Audubon Society. More information about programs and projects can be found at and its Facebook page.