Local fish hatchery gears up 2021 season

Staff writer

For 84 years the volunteers at the Heath Sportsmen’s Club’s fish hatchery have brought smiles to youngsters. That almost came to an end last winter.

The facility was damaged during a windstorm last winter. Debris caused damage to the wooden storehouse where the pumping equipment is located.

Sections of the fencing were also damaged. The fencing is important to keep natural predators from feasting on the trout.

Without the aeration equipment the fish will perish. Following the storm, 300 adult fish were lost.

“High water came up and blocked the intake and the fish couldn’t get any oxygen,” explained club president Herman Rush.

The hatchery, located in Heath Township, Jefferson County, has been part of the Cook Forest community for more than eight decades. The club leases the ground from the National Fuel Gas Company.

It is a non-profit managed entirely by volunteers, whose primary responsibility is to raise trout at the hatchery located along State Route 949.

The trout are used for local fishing derbies and stocked into local streams and rivers, including the Clarion River.

In addition to their own fishing derby the club provides fish for a derby in Brookville.

The club faces another change. When the Heath Township Pump Station was in operation a constant stream of water was needed. A small cement dam was built and the club used water from the dam as a water supply. Over the years the reservoir has had a build-up of silt and the water supply has been decreased.

Rush said the century-old dam will be removed.

“They will bring us water from above the dam,” said Rush. “It will be an outdoor raceway. The dam is in bad shape and should be removed.”

This isn’t about just a few fish.

“We have about 2,000 fish in the hatchery,” said Rush. “There are Rainbow, Palominos, Brook and Brown trout.”

The Pennsylvania Fish and Boat Commission donated the fingerling fish.

Club members Rick Baughman said the volunteers will use about 10 pounds of fish food daily.

“We use a lot of food,” said Rush. “It’s expensive. When it is cooler they eat less but when it warms up they will eat a lot more.”

The club has several fundraisers annually and accepts donations.

Rush said the club has about 200 members from all over Western Pennsylvania.

Maintaining the hatchery takes a lot of work but for Rush it is all worthwhile.

“When you go down to the derby and see kids catching fish it just melts your heart,” said Rush.

The 2021 fishing derby at Clear Creek State Park is scheduled for 8 a.m. May 1.

Rush notes that will depend on the COVID-19 pandemic.

“The park has the final say on that,” he said. “If they say we can have, then we will have it.”

The rain or shine event is free to children 15 years of age and younger. Registration begins at 8 a.m. The derby runs from 9 a.m. to noon. Prizes awarded after the event.

Hot dogs and soft drinks are provided free to children.

Only service animals will be permitted at the event.

For additional information see the club’s Facebook page.