Clarion Township plans work along 4th Avenue and Aaron

Clarion Township supervisors Aug. 9 outlined their plans for addressing stormwater and road restoration” along Fourth Avenue and Aaron Drive.

Township secretary Karen Wilson said the township will focus on using Community Block Development Grant funding for the work.

Wilson said the CDGB funds are administered by Clarion County, and the commissioners would give the go-ahead to the county planning department to use the money.

The board of supervisors also discussed the $202,639 in American Recovery Act funding the township received in July.

“With the way things have been, there are several areas we would like to address,” said Supervisor Pat Aaron of the money.

Specifically, Aaron said stormwater maintenance needs tackling.

Wilson said the money could potentially make up for lost local earned income tax revenues and fuel tax allocation.

However, the township is still waiting on direction on how to properly use the funds.

“There are people working on that,” said Wilson, who explained they receive guidance primarily from the Pennsylvania State Association of Township Supervisors.

The township will receive the second half of the ARA funds next year, said Wilson. They have four years to use the funds.