Audubon group plans bird walks

(Submitted photo)
From staff reports

Seneca Rocks Audubon will lead two bird walks open to the public.

These walks were inspired by the Feathered Friends bird series in March. The bird series introduced new and beginning birders to common winter feeder birds, summer lawn birds, raptors and woodpeckers. Participants also learned about common bird songs, migration and how to use and select binoculars. To put these new skills to use, the participants responded favorably to the idea of regular bird walks. These walks will be casual, informative and helpful to those new to birding. Those who have been on bird walks before will be encouraged to help the beginners.

The first walk will be on April 30 in Oil Creek State Park. Meet at 8:30 a.m. at the Blood Farm Day Use area on the right, less than one mile from the park entrance. Gary Edwards will lead the walk. The second walk will be May 14 at Beaver Creek Nature Area, 2 miles west of Knox on route 208.  The walk will start at 8:30 a.m. and will be lead by Mike Leahy.

The walks will stay close to the parking areas. The ground can be wet early in the morning and the temperatures cool, so dress appropriately. Bring your binoculars. If you don’t have binoculars, some may be available to share. Both areas have restrooms. For up to date information regarding the walk, check Seneca Rocks Audubon Facebook.