$9 million grant will fund Rimersburg treatment plant upgrades

From staff reports

The Rimersburg Borough Municipal Authority has been awarded a nearly $9 million grant to complete upgrades to its wastewater treatment plant.

The Pennsylvania Infrastructure Investment Authority (PENNVEST) grant will be used to install a new grit removal chamber, automatic bar screen, supervisory control and data acquisition system, blowers, control building, chlorine sterilization hardware and larger sequential batch reactors.

The proposed upgrade will double the plant’s capacity to 400,000 gallons per day and eliminate overflows during wet weather events, said state Rep. Donna Oberlander, who announced the grant along with state Sen. Scott Hutchinson.

Hutchinson said “this much-needed plant upgrade will double its treatment capacity and eliminate discharges of untreated wastewater into Wildcat Run, all while maintaining affordable rates for residents.”

The Rimersburg Borough Municipal Authority serves 551 households in Rimersburg Borough and Toby, Madison and Brady townships.