9 inducted into West Forest National Honor Society

An induction ceremony for National Honor Society members at West Forest High School was held May 9. Among those who participated were (front, from left) Chris Pedersen, Stephen Culver, Roselyn Trivett, Kendra Gadley, Brooke Black, Travis Swartz; and (back) Steven Barnett, Rachel Stubler, Jailia Guzzi, Taylor Johnson, Andrew Schwab, Sarah Humes, Terra Miller, Kaylynn Anderson, Lorraine Pedersen and Bryant Niederriter. (Submitted photo)
From staff reports

West Forest High School held its 57th annual National Honor Society induction ceremony May 9.

Current members of the Harold Seigworth Chapter of National Honor Society led the ceremony for the new members.

Current members include Andrew Schwab, president; Sarah Humes, vice president; Taylor Johnson, secretary; Terra Miller, treasurer; and Jailia Guzzi.

The local chapter welcomed nine new members during the induction ceremony. Kaylynn Anderson was the sole senior inductee. Junior inductees include Steven Barnett, Brooke Black, Stephen Culver, Kendra Gadley, Bryant Niederriter, Lorraine Pedersen, Rachel Stubler and Roselyn Trivett.

Additionally, probationary members were recognized during the ceremony. This year’s probationary members are Christopher Pedersen and Travis Swartz. These students must maintain their grades in order to be eligible for membership next year.

Jennifer Lander and Noah Burke served as freshmen hosts for the evening.

During the ceremony, NHS members spoke about their service projects. The projects included cleaning up local cemeteries, a drive in support of animal shelters, a toy donation effort and individual litter pickups. As an organization, the students host a blood drive and conduct their own litter pickup.