3 Marienville Boy Scouts earn Eagle rank

Thomas Cochran, Luke Cussins and Daniel Parrett completed the process to become Eagle Scouts. The trio are all members of Troop 72 of Marienville. (Submitted photo)
From staff reports

Three Marienville Boy Scouts from Troop 72 – Thomas Cochran, Luke Cussins and Daniel Parrett – have earned the rank of Eagle Scout.

Cochran, a junior at East Forest High School, renovated Frost Cemetery for his Eagle project. With the help of his troop he replaced the sign and landscaping, straightened the old tombstones and removed debris.

Cochran is the son of Rob and Kim Cochran.

Cussins, a freshman at East Forest, earned his Eagle award by working on the Songbird Sojourn Interpretive Trail in Buzzard Swamps. Logging more than 100 man hours with his troop, he cleaned the trail, added a 12-foot bridge, built two benches at the halfway point, painted posts and replaced signs.

Cussins is the son of Daniel and Andrea Cussins.

Parrett, a sophomore at East Forest, earned his award by working in conjunction with the Marienville Volunteer Fire Department and his troop to place a memorial bench in the center of town. The bench serves not only as a memorial to fallen firefighters but also to honor those who serve the community.

Parrett is the son of Randall and Jane Parrett.